On average, 130 Americans die of opioid overdoses every day. Addiction is an epidemic that is ravaging our country. Prescription drug abuse is the force that drives it. As public understanding about substance use disorders increases, more people are recognizing that addiction is a public health crisis. In 2013, 63% of Americans viewed prescription drug abuse as a "major public health problem". That percentage jumped to 76% in 2017.

Governmental agencies are responding aggressively. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has five objectives to respond to and reverse this “health emergency”:

  •    Improving access to treatment and recovery services;
  •    Promoting use of overdose-reversing drugs;
  •    Strengthening our understanding of the epidemic through better public health surveillance;
  •    Providing support for cutting edge research on pain and addiction; and
  •    Advancing better practices for pain management.

Fortunately, as we work to counter the prescription drug abuse epidemic, studies show that small efforts go a long way.  Public understanding is increasing, along with scientific advancement and economic need. Now is the time to make the efforts necessary to stop the spread of addiction.

Click here to learn more about the addiction advocacy groups that are raising public awareness.



